Internet layer technologies (OSI Layer 3) identify and route packets of data. Technologies commonly adopted for IoT are related to this layer and include IPv6, 6LoWPAN, and RPL. Networking technologies enable IoT devices to communicate with other devices, applications, and services running in the cloud. The internet relies on standardized protocols to ensure communication between heterogeneous devices is secure and reliable. Standard protocols specify rules and formats that devices use to establish and manage networks and transmit data across those networks.
Networks are built as a "stack" of technologies. Technology such as Bluetooth LE is at the bottom of the stack. While others such as IPv6 technologies (which are responsible for the logical device addressing and routing of network traffic) are further up the stack. Technologies at the top of the stack are used by the applications that are running on top of those layers, such as message queuing technologies.
At the Internet layer, devices are identified by IP addresses. IPv6 is typically used for IoT applications over legacy IPv4 addressing. IPv4 is limited to 32-bit addresses, which only provide around 4.3 billion addresses in total, which is less than the current number of IoT devices that are connected, while IPv6 uses 128 bits, and so provides 2 128 addresses (around 3.4 × 10 38 or 340 billion billion billion billion) addresses. In practice, not all IoT devices need public addresses. Of the tens of billions of devices expected to connect via the IoT over the next few years, many will be deployed in private networks that use private address ranges and only communicate out to other devices or services on external networks by using gateways.
The IPv6 Low Power Wireless Personal Area Network (6LoWPAN) standard allows IPv6 to be used over 802.15.4 wireless networks. 6LoWPAN is often used for wireless sensor networks, and the Thread protocol for home automation devices also runs over 6LoWPAN.
The Internet Layer also covers routing. IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) is designed for routing IPv6 traffic over low-power networks like those networks implemented over 6LoWPAN. RPL (pronounced “ripple”) is designed for routing packets within constrained networks such as wireless sensor networks, where not all devices are reachable at all times and there are high or unpredictable amounts of packet loss. RPL can compute the optimal path by building up a graph of the nodes in the network based on dynamic metrics and constraints like minimizing energy consumption or latency.
The TCP/IP model includes only four layers, merging some of the OSI model layers:
Network Access & Physical Layer
This TCP/IP Layer subsumes both OSI layers 1 and 2. The physical (PHY) layer (Layer 1 of OSI) governs how each device is physically connected to the network with hardware, for example with an optic cable, wires, or radio in the case of a wireless network like wifi IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n). At the link layer (Layer 2 of OSI), devices are identified by a MAC address, and protocols at this level are concerned with physical addressing, such as how switches deliver frames to devices on the network.
Internet Layer
This layer maps to the OSI Layer 3 (network layer). OSI Layer 3 relates to logical addressing. Protocols at this layer define how routers deliver packets of data between source and destination hosts identified by IP addresses. IPv6 is commonly adopted for IoT device addressing.
Transport Layer
The transport layer (Layer 4 in OSI) focuses on end-to-end communication and provides features such as reliability, congestion avoidance, and guaranteeing that packets will be delivered in the same order that they were sent. UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is often adopted for IoT transport for performance reasons.
Application Layer
The application layer (Layers 5, 6, and 7 in OSI) covers application-level messaging. HTTP/S is an example of an application layer protocol that is widely adopted across the internet.
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