Discuss in brief the evolution of the agricultural extension service system in India.
The agricultural extension service system in India has undergone significant evolution over the years.
In the early days of British colonial rule, the extension system was primarily focused on providing technical assistance to large landowners and improving the productivity of cash crops such as cotton and indigo.
After independence, the government of India established a number of agricultural universities and research institutions, and extension services began to focus more on improving the productivity of food crops.
In the 1960s, the government of India launched the Community Development Program, which aimed to provide extension services to small and marginal farmers through a network of extension workers.
In the 1970s, the government launched the Integrated Rural Development Program, which aimed to provide a comprehensive package of services, including extension, credit, and infrastructure development, to small and marginal farmers.
In the 1980s, the government launched the Extension Reforms Program, which aimed to make extension services more responsive to the needs of farmers and to improve the effectiveness of extension delivery.
In recent years, the government has been focusing on using technology to improve the effectiveness of extension services and to reach more farmers, through initiatives such as the e-Extension program and the use of mobile phone-based extension services.
Overall, the agricultural extension service system in India has evolved over time to be more inclusive, responsive, and technology-driven, to reach and help small and marginal farmers to improve their productivity.
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